digital access
Evolving internet orientated information systems and economic concepts are progressively affecting all aspects of government, community and commerce.
The availability of ubiquitous information access offers similar opportunities for lower cost, fully integrated community, health, education and lifestyle services; and many local authorities have already explored the possibilities to radically change and enhance the way they relate to individuals, communities and partners by introducing innovative internet based services.
However local authorities and government agencies have recognized that their strategies to meet the 2005 e-Government targets across the digital divide will require more than just web based information systems
interactive tv
Network Strategies is actively involved in identifying and evaluating alternative access strategies, such as interactive TV, to avoid digital exclusion and develop community relationships
We help local authorities and other government agencies achieve universal access to e-Government services within a framework that ensures maximum return on its investment; consistency and compatibility with other e-Government service initiatives.
Our inclusive approach to business case development has enabled our clents to justify interactive TV rollout in the context of
- A platform for compelling applications to provide a truly interconnected communities
- An innovation hothouse for all sorts of societal, cultural and commercial development
- The engine that pulls through economic regeneration by
- Raising levels of educational attainment
- Raising workforce skills
- Driving inclusion objectives such as social care and community safety.